Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chicken Waldorf(ish?) Salad

First recipe of the blog! Yay!
It's a relatively simple one but I found it surprisingly delicious.  I've never been a big fan of cold salads but I will definitely be making this again.  I used to work at a pool snack bar at Disney World that served Waldorf salad sandwiches.  I never knew what it was really, never tried it...but it always looked good.  So my mom and I decided to make it, since she was familiar with it and knew how to make Waldorf salad.  Well, I don't know if it's exactly Waldorf salad, but pretty close maybe...I don't know, it tasted good and that's the point, right?  And 100% gluten free for me!  Perfect way to use up some leftover chicken.  I can't claim to be some recipe-writing expert but I will certainly try my best here!
Chicken Waldorf Salad
 Chicken Waldorf Salad

Chicken Waldorf Salad...yum

  • 2 chicken breasts, cooked, cooled, and chopped up
  • a couple bunches of grapes (used green grapes), quartered
  • 1 apple (used Granny Smith), diced
  • handful of pecans, halved
  • 2 Tbsp mayonnaise 
  • 2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • lettuce (however much you want really for your salad)
  1. Combine chicken, grapes, apple, and pecans in a bowl.
  2. Combine mayonnaise and Dijon mustard.
  3. Add mayo/mustard mixture to chicken mixture and stir to combine.  
  4. Serve salad over lettuce. Enjoy!

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